The Improv Show had been hosted at El Diamante at 7:00 P.M Friday 13, 2024.
Mrs. Galvan starts off the Improve show passing down the mic to the students to introduce themselves.
Drama Student bending down improving a scene given to them.
The Improv Show, The laughs and Giggles outside of the Plays-3
Student mimicking a fish out of the water, flopping around.
The Improv Show, The laughs and Giggles outside of the Plays-5
The Taxi Cab Game, where each student that comes in the taxi driver and the students before they came in start mimicking the newest person that got into the cab.
Newest traveler in the cab, immediately starts gossiping to the entire cab. All the others start to gossip alongside them.
All in the cab start to speak like a stereotypical “surfer dude”.
The New Game, Guessing why I was late to work while trying to figure out what the other two are charading as.
The two students starting to mimic a person driving a car while a giraffe takes it away.
The “Excuser” trying to figure out what excuse they had to tell their boss. The boss shocked at their excuse changes as the Excuser continues to guess.
The Boss in disbelief at what their “Excuser” is saying
The Students continue to try and mimic a giraffe taking a car
The “Excuser” finally figuring out their excuse to being late
Another game of the game begins, this new guesser getting it on their second attempt.
Students mimicking the excuse
Students doing scenrios given to them, while the people behind them laugh.
Students doing scenrios given to them, while the people behind them laugh.
Students hugging according to the scenerio they had gotten while the other wants to leave in the scenerio
A scenerio going to Chipotle while one tries to convince the others that they had it all planned out. One no longer is intrested while the other argues about it.
“Date Night” The Nice group talk to each other.
“Date Night” The more toxic group talk to each other. One Up-ing each other. “Group A” being the right, and “Group B” being the left
Group “A” Toxic and Groub “B” Nice try to talk while Group “A” continue to talk about Garlic
“Date Night” Continues to another group, while they’re talking in a Chuck-E-Cheese.
“Date Night” Continues to another group, while they’re talking in a Chuck-E-Cheese. Group “A” singing for the other, ignoring what the other is saying
A student hits their pose of “Begging” when a scenario fits
Student pointing at the distance while talking.
Student hits a pose dropping on the floor.
Students talking about the scenrio.
Students talking hoping the scene won’t change while they continue on.
Ceballos '25 is a student journalist at Redwood High School. Which they're now on their fourth year of working for the Redwood Gigantea. Where they continue to be a Photo Journalist for the Redwood Giganeta.
- Ceballos
- Ceballos
- Ceballos
- Ceballos
Tags: adriana ceballos, arts & entertainment, Ceballos, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, rhs