The Vice Presidential candidates introduce themselves to their classmates. 

By: Haley Padilla

Campaigning for all freshmen candidates started on Monday, September 16th, 2024. Those elected will contribute their best skills to advertising their talent to represent their classmates in Redwood’s Student Associated Body (ASB).

Camilo Yepez

Camilo Yepez, ’28
Photo Gigantea

Camilo Yepez, ‘28, is a part of Redwood Wrestling. 

Yepez has never been involved in associations such as ASB but would like to become a member of one.

He desires to exhibit and spread true Ranger pride to the class of 2028. Yepez strives to fix any issues students have been struggling with to ensure a stellar and joyful school year.

“I want to run for this position because I want to bring up new ideas that haven’t been brought up to the school before,” Yepez says. 

Janize Gonzalez

Janize Gonzalez, ‘28, is a member of the freshman volleyball team and hopes to join clubs in the future. 

Janize Gonzalez, ’28
Photo Gigantea

Gonzalez has been involved with student leadership throughout her middle school years.

She hopes to include all students, new and old, in a variety of activities at lunch to occupy those who have nothing to do, while also submerging students deeper within Redwood’s community and establishing connections with each other. 

“I wanted to run for vice president because I want for everyone to be more involved in the school,” Gonzalez says. “Joining ASB and becoming vice president of my class is a great opportunity for that.” 

Claire Henry

Claire Henry, ’28
Photo Gigantea

Claire Henry, ‘28, is a member on the freshman volleyball team and hopes to be a part of Redwood Track while also contributing her efforts to Future Farmers of America (FFA). 

Henry has gathered experience in student leadership at Oak Grove.

She aspires to offer her help to those who require it and to hear out all requests made by freshmen. At all meetings, she will “put [in her] input” to advocate for the class of 2028. Henry hopes to further include herself and her classmates into Redwood’s community. 

“I wanted to become a leader for others to look up to and to offer my help to anyone who needs it,” Henry says. 

Josie Motos

Josie Motos, ‘28, is a member of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) and will bestow her strengths to Redwood’s Basketball and Softball programs. 

Josie Motos, ’28
Photo Gigantea

Motos has been a captain for all sports teams she’s been a part of and was a leader in the Yearbook. She holds no ASB experience but would like to. 

She plans to become a voice for her classmates, hearing their concerns and relaying them to those in higher positions. One of her main motivations is the inclusion of freshmen and establishing an exhilarating school environment.

Motos says, “I would just promise to make sure to make Redwood a better place and to make sure freshmen’s voices are heard.”

Voting commences on Friday, September 20th, 2024.

Haley Padilla
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