The candidates for Freshmen Class President introduce themselves to their classmates.

By: Haley Padilla

On Monday, September 16th, 2024, campaigning for both presidential and vice presidential candidates began. The chosen nominees will undergo a friendly competition to represent the freshmen class in Redwood’s Associated Student Body (ASB).

The following students are competing for Freshman Class President. 

Roberto Correa

Roberto Correa, ‘28, is a part of Redwood ASB and Rally Club. He plans to become a member of CSF, the student council, and many other clubs. He also hopes to participate in Redwood athletics by joining Track.

Correa has been in ASB since the fourth grade, was a part of CJSF, the AVID committee, and was a Where Everybody Belongs (WEB) leader at Ridgeview Middle School. 

Roberto Correa, ’28
Photo Gigantea

He aims to enhance the Redwood spirit, resolve concerns, and give everyone a marvelous and memorable first-year experience. He offers his bilingual education to establish connections with all students, including those whose first language is Spanish. 

“I will contribute my best efforts to [resolve problems] and bring it up to the attention of my higher-ups,” Correa says. “I would like to encourage positivity, making friends, and having fun. My overall goal is for everyone to have the best school year of their lives.”

“As president, I would love to create the real Ranger experience and mark our ground.” 

Cami Villacreses

Cami Villacreses, ‘28, is involved in Redwood Wrestling and plans on joining multiple clubs. 

Cami Villacreses, ’28
Photo Gigantea

Cami is new to student leadership but aspires to become a fun representative for her class. She hopes to make the first year of high school spirited for all students. She wishes to spread the “true Ranger experience” and engage all freshmen with the spirit of Redwood.

She says, “I promise that I will be the best Freshmen President you could have and that I will be the most spirited one for sure.”

Voting commences on Friday, September 20th, 2024.

Haley Padilla
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