From January 23rd to the 25th, 2025, Redwood High School performed Disney’s The Little Mermaid Musical. Performers share how they feel now that it’s over.
By: Milo Rachal
For many, The Little Mermaid was their first musical, and for many others it was their last musical. Everyone had a different experience with it. Let’s hear from them, how they’re feeling now that it’s over.
Owen Sierdsma, ‘26, who played the main chef in The Little Mermaid Musical, when asked what his favorite moment was on or off stage, said, “My favorite moment was offstage, me and my best friend, Connor West, ’27, had a scene together. And once we got offstage we both ran and hugged each other backstage.”
Sierdsma added, “Please join the musical, and please come watch our musicals.”

Photo N. Miller/Gigantea
Gurtaj Sandhu, ‘28, an ensemble member, said, “Over and over, I have been listening to the Little Mermaid soundtrack, ever since it ended. Seriously though, this musical was such a great experience; especially for developing my singing and dancing skills.”
Isabella Medrano, ‘25, an ensemble member, said, “Now that it’s over, I’m relaxed. I’m kind of sad that it’s over, but also I’m getting more sleep now.”
Saying goodbye to the musical season has been clearly hard on all its actors and actresses. Hopefully all these talents will do the musical next year as well, and that our seniors all had a great final Redwood musical show!
Kathryn Robles, ‘25, who played Ursula, said, “On stage, my favorite moment was getting to die every night, it was really fun. Backstage it was singing Under the Sea with my friends. Honestly though it’s sad, it was such a fun experience but it’s going to be my last musical.”
Tags: arts and entertainment, musical, Redwood, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood journalism, Redwood Musical, redwood rangers, redwood the little mermaid, rhs, RHS Musical, visalia ca