By: Isabel Barycki

Jacob Yang, ’23 acquires position as Manager on the Redwood Varsity Girls Tennis team.

Jacob Yang, ’23 is a third-year member of the boy’s tennis team and a first-year manager for the varsity girl’s tennis team. Recently he has been serving as a great second pair of eyes for the coach on the varsity girls tennis team.

Yang says his inspiration to play tennis came from his father. Yang says, “when I was seven my dad took me on the courts because both my siblings had played.”

Jacob Yang, ’23
Photo Courtesy of author, Barycki

As manager, Yang’s responsibilities are to take scores, help set up by putting out scorecards for the girls and grabbing scores when they exit the courts, and serve as a second set of eyes for the head coach.

He says his favorite part of the role is being “a second coach to [his] sister.”

Yang says the inspiration to take on the role of manager came from his sister, the head coach of the varsity girls tennis team. Yang says he told her, “If she became the head coach I’d be manager for her.” 

In review of the season thus far, Yang says that he thinks this year’s team is strong. “There is a lot of potential on the JV team,” says Yang.

He says he looks forward to watching the team’s matches and going to away games. 

Sister of Yang and the Varsity Girls coach, Claire Yang, says she is happy to have her brother on the team. Three words that she says describe Jacob are, “insightful, confident, and always understanding.”

She has been coaching for two years, however this is her first year as head coach.

As the new head coach for the varsity girls tennis team, Claire says, “it was definitely a weird step in authority.” She says, “As the season went along, things got a lot smoother. I actually like it a lot; it’s really fun.”

Claire says that since the two have played tennis for so long, “it’s really easy to work with him. He knows what to look for and he is very helpful.”

To help support the Varsity Girls Tennis team, you can join them on October 11th at Redwood High School at 4:00 PM.

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Isabel Barycki |  + posts

Isabel Barycki,´26 is a third year journalism member. Inside room 207 you can find her writing for the Features and Clubs and Lifestyles sections for the Redwood Gigantea.


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