By: Estrella McDaniel – Staff Writer

As the 2000’s continue to move forward, there are many 80’s and 90’s trends that are being revived here at Redwood High School.
Throughout the 80’s and 90’s, there have been set trends which we have brought back today like chokers, scrunchies, mom jeans, crop tops and more. From all of these trends set, there are definitely ones that stick out more to Redwood High’s student body.
Megan James, ’19, said, “Expensive clothing brands and celebrities are bringing [these trends] back because everyone else wants to participate in the revival of 80’s and 90’s.” James likes most of the trends, but not all of them, her favorite being fanny packs and her least favorite body suits. According to James, silly bands will be our next trend. According to James, silly bands will be our next trend.
Kendrick Taylor, ’21, said, “80’s and 90’s trends have always been a thing, just not as big of a deal like it is now.” Taylor believes that crimped hair and super bright shiny clothing are too extreme. Taylor’s favorite trends are chokers and scrunchies.
Although 80’s and 90’s trends have made an impact to some, they have not made an impact to all. Josue Jimenez, ’19, does not feel like they have a huge effect on him and doesn’t feel as strongly as others do about the topic. Mom jeans are his favorite, however, none of the other trends resonate with him.
Redwood High School students, along with many other people, are trying to bring back the great trends that some people had no longer bothered to wear. Redwood High’s student body is giving these 80’s and 90’s trends the recognition they deserve.
This will be a monthly column so don’t miss out! Make sure to check out Redwood Gigantea every second Friday of the month for updates on the latest season fashion trends.
Tags: 80s, 90s, body suit, bring back, ca, california, chokers, crop top, fashion, mom jeans, Redwood, redwood high school, rhs, scrunchies, silly bands, trends, visalia, visalia ca
My sister likes to wear scrunchies. Great article! I’ve noticed this as well!
Good Article! I have seen this around campus sometimes.