By: Ayla Ozturk
November was an eventful month for Redwood. Performances, sports, and other activities are taking place, all of which have a widespread support from Principal Shin.
Shin enjoyed seeing all of Redwood’s extra/co-curricular activities start to “gear up” and start to perform, practice, and compete.
For the first time in over a year, Redwood was able to perform the Fall play, A Christmas Story.
Shin feels it was “long overdue” and that the drama department put on a “great production”.
Shin states, “They did a great job despite the mask-wearing mandate and it was still very funny and well put on show and production. So, kudos to the drama department.”
Fall sports are wrapping up with playoff games. According to Shin, Redwood has five out of eight league champions and all teams “did well”.
The transition to Winter sports has started. Soccer, basketball, and wrestling are gearing up to represent Redwood this season.

Redwood’s Band is starting to take part in showcases and recently the notorious Visalia Candy Cane Lane Parade. They are also gearing up for their Winter season.
Mock trial is practicing more for their competitions after Winter break.
In addition, FBLA has a conference in February that they are working towards.
“What we’re seeing is more normalcy coming back as we progress, you know, into the school year.” Shin expresses.
Along with the good things, there are always issues that need to be addressed. According to Shin, attendance is still an issue.
Students have been using the two-minute bell to “hang out for two more minutes” during the passing period.
Shin mentions that cell phones have been an issue. He says staff will need to address the issue and create a plan that will be implemented next semester.

He states, “We know that we need to have a well thought out plan. We need to be able to communicate that plan well in advance to kids and parents so that when they come back, they understand what the new expectations will be.”
With the end of the semester approaching, Shin wants to make sure his students are doing their best and making up any work that needs to be done.
He doesn’t want students to be “scrambling” the last week of the semester trying to get things done.
Shin expresses, “The responsibility is all there is on [students] to make sure they check PowerSchool, check with their teachers to see what they still have missing. School is going to be here, from 8:00 to 3:30 every day.”
“[Students need to] do their job, they need to come ready to learn and to be on time and be responsible and get that [all assignments] in. And then we can all go off and enjoy three weeks off at Christmas time.” Shin continues.
Tags: 2021, gopo, government and politics, Matt Shin, mr. shin, november, november 2021, principal shin, rangers, Redwood, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood journalism, redwood news, redwood rangers, rhs, shin, visalia ca