On February 13th, 2025, Redwood High School (RHS) embraced the multitude of future Rangers venturing to its gymnasium and familiarized them with the culture and campus of RHS.

By: Haley Padilla

Eighth grade students from the abundance of middle schools within Visalia congested the stands of RHS’s gymnasium on February 13th, 2025 for the periodical eighth-grade tours. The scholars were divided into two brackets according to their schools; one stayed within the gym and observed performances by Redwood’s dance groups and an informational video manufactured by Redwood’s Video team, while the other received an extensive tour of Redwood’s campus. 

Ms. Barbra-Tepper talking to the 8th-grade students
Photo A.Ceballos/Gigantea

Entering a new school—a high school, nonetheless—is an exciting yet daunting task that rattles most students. Touring the campus, connecting with its culture, and communicating with Rangers can help alleviate some of the stress. 

“I definitely felt more comfortable after I got a tour of the school,” says Cameron Kross, ‘29. “It was nice to have that experience and get out of my comfort zone.”

Middle school students may retain a lot of anxiety and fright from their expectations of high school or the challenges they think they may face when setting foot in a newfound place. 

Lucia Davalos, ‘29, said, “[I expect to] make new friends and get good grades…. [Some challenges might be] learning different subjects and passing periods.”

“Keeping my grades up [will be a challenge],” says Brooklyn Vang, ‘29.

Kross said, “Crossing the bridge is a little intimidating, but I’m sure I’ll be fine after a while.”

Freshman President and Vice President, Roberto Correa, ‘28, and Janize Gonzalez, ‘28, marveled at the event, in disbelief that they were one of the eighth graders touring not even a year ago. They expressed their appreciation to be a part of the new students’ first experience on Redwood soil and their exhilaration for their imminent arrival. 

Correa said, “I’m excited for their upcoming high school life and to be a part of their experience. It was bittersweet to see them after touring Redwood last year. Being an eighth grader coming to high school was definitely nerve-wracking, so I know it was similar for them. But they all looked happy and as if they wanted to be in the high school experience already, so I’m happy.”

“I was really excited to see all the new faces that we will eventually be seeing all next year and I thought it was really fun that they came in to see our school,” says Gonzalez. “I was a little bit nervous and I know they probably were too, but I thought I could relate to them.”

8th-graders following their tour guide
Photo A.Ceballos/Gigantea

Eighth-grade teachers have formulated their own opinions, expectations, and hopes on sending forth their current students to a new age. Ms. Muniz, a history teacher at Ridgeview Middle School (RMS), said, “My expectations are that they don’t give up and that they put in their best effort. If they don’t know something, I hope they ask for help and find resources because they’re capable of doing good things…. I truly feel that many of them are prepared in comparison to their earlier years. I have a strong feeling that this group is really going to love high school.”

“I hope that they grow physically, mentally, socially, academically, and get a little better every day and that they don’t get swallowed up in this gigantic campus,” says Mr. Roubos, a history teacher at RMS. “I want them to shoot high; to treat high school like a stepping stone to the rest of their lives and not as a miserable experience, as high school can sometimes be.”

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Haley Padilla
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Haley Padilla, '28, is a first year Clubs & Lifestyles and News writer for the Gigantea. She looks forward to writing a variety of stories and connecting with new people.


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