By: Olivia Gonzalez

Photo courtesy of Emily Bentch
Emily Bentch, ‘23 is a Redwood student who runs a business that sells both online and in-person.
Bentch started selling bleached-dyed shirts almost two years ago and has recently begun selling jewelry. On top of selling products on her Instagram, she also sells in person.
Selling products made by hand can contain special value to the owner and customer. Bentch says, “I wanted to sell my products because I enjoy sharing my art with people around me.”

Photo courtesy of Emily Bentch
As jewelry businesses have become more popular, there have been more designs and styles of necklaces. She says, “seeing what other people create helps me brainstorm ideas of what I want to make.”
Hard work goes a long way when running a small business, as there are a lot of details that go into finalized products.
Bentch says, “I handpick all of the crystals I use for my necklaces, but I really enjoy the process, so I wouldn’t say it is difficult.”
It takes about 45 minutes to complete each necklace.
Bentch has created jewelry that is customer-friendly and allows anyone to wear them.
“My necklaces have [an] adjustable length so they work for everyone” and “the crystal included with the necklace is removable as well so the buyer can swap it out if they wanted to,” says Bentch.
Jacob Siegel ‘23 is one of the many customers that have bought products from Bentch. Siegel purchased a custom bleached t-shirt.

Photo courtesy of Emily Bentch
An important aspect for sellers and buyers is that the products being sold are reliable. “Almost all of it is made by her….so I knew that I wouldn’t be cheated out of anything,” says Siegel.
Bentch was inspired to start her crafts and business by her mom. “My mom is a big influence on my creativity, and I’d say she inspires me to create new things,” she says.
“Ever since I was little I’ve been doing crafts with my mom. [We] go to craft shows to sell our products as well,” explains Bentch.
A self-made business can give the owner a sense of joy and an outlet to create whatever they want. She says “[she is] so grateful to be able to sell something [she] really enjoy[s] making”.
For more information, Bentch can be contacted through her Instagram: @emilybentch
Olivia Gonzalez
Olivia Gonzalez '24 is a third year writer for the Redwood Gigantea. She is interested in looking deeper into the lives of students at Redwood. Outside of Gigantea, she is apart of the Law and Justice academy and CSF here at Redwood Highschool. You can reach her by email at
Tags: crafts, crystals, emily bentch, jewelry, Olivia Gonzalez, Redwood, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood journalism, redwood rangers, sidehustle, studentbusiness, studentlife, students, t-shirts