Saturday, January 18th, Redwood’s Black Student Union held their Disco Party in the Redwood High School Gym.

By: Annalissa Lira

On Saturday, January 18th, Redwood’s Black Student Union held their Disco Party-themed dance in the Redwood High School Gym. The event garnered traction from several different schools and was entirely student-led.

Alyssa Vasquez, ‘26, said, “I am mostly excited about connecting with other Black Student Unions and having money for our club. It is a fundraiser. We sort of did everything by ourselves.”

BSU President
Javion Richardson, ‘25
Photo Gigantea

Javion Richardson, ‘25, President of Black Student Union, says, “It [the dance] took a lot of teamwork. We were lucky to pull this off. I enjoyed collaborating with everyone and just seeing the turnout.”

Mrs. Amber Rodriguez, the advisor of Black Student Union, said, “Originally the students felt that they wanted a Black Student Union-ran event or dance to bring unity and inclusiveness. They wanted to be seen on campus.”

Rodriguez said, “This was one hundred percent student-led. Javion, our president, was part of the committee. He was able to have his committee make the flyers, think of the date, what they want for the event as far as vendors, and how much we were going to charge.”

Rodriguez continued, “I am excited to see the students feel empowered. I am just super excited and so grateful that the youth are motivated. I wish they all knew how proud of them I was, and give them all a big hug.”

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Annalissa Lira
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