
In this area, reflect on your growth. This work should have three parts.

Where have I been?

Write 3-5 sentences here that show what you thought journalism class would be like before you took it

I thought journalism would be a boring class where you read about other newspapers. I didn't expect for this class to be so hands on and fun. I thought that It would be a lot of just general writing like another English class. Turns out that this a exiting and fun learning enviorment.

Where am I now?

Write 3-5 sentences about what skills you have gained by taking journalism.  These should be "I Can" statements related to the work of journalism class.

I have gained the skill to have a genuine conversation with people by looking in their eyes and greeting them with a firm handshake. I have learned how to perform a proper in person interview with another student or an adult. I learned how to write using the 4 WH's Who, What, How and Why.

Where am I going?

use 3-5 sentences to establish 3 goals for next semester. 2 goals should be personal goals. 1 goal should be for your section.

A personal goal that I would set for myself next semester would be to publish at least 4 new stories. I would also want to write at least 1 of those stories on my own. As a sports writer I would like for the Sports Section as a whole to  cover as much variety between soccer, basketball, wrestling, track, and baseball.