Seven-year drama member, Taylor MacElree ’24 shares her experience and dedication to Redwood’s drama class.

By: Justyne Sanchez

Being involved in a drama class for 4 plus years is a special thing to be a part of and can be very inspirational. It can shape both personal and artistic growth. From being on the stage confidently delivering lines under the spotlight, or being a stage worker. Each moment is a testament to the power of creativity, teamwork, and resilience through countless rehearsals and performances. Drama class offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore diverse characters, refine public speaking skills, and develop a deep appreciation for the performing arts.

Taylor MacElree being awarded for her dedication to the drama department ‘24 Gigantea. MacElree

Taylor MacElree has been involved in drama for seven years. She shares a memory that she will miss from being in Mrs. Galvan’s class, she says, “I will miss doing circle time and being able to have a space where we’re all celebrated” She says. 

When being involved in a drama class creates a strong community and feels like a safe environment by having deep connections with one another during collaborative efforts. MacElree explains why she decided to stay in drama throughout high school, she says, “The environment and the people are amazing. This class has brought me a new family I will forever cherish.”

By celebrating each individual’s unique contribution furthers each other’s strengths, support, positivity, and success, and makes the drama class feel like a second family.

MacElree describes how she is feeling knowing this is her last year participating in drama, she says, “I am so sad but I’ll be close by and still try to visit and support the drama department.”

Taylor MacElree found her passion by participating in a drama class by choosing it as an elective to take during high school. It gave her lifetime memories and valuable skills that will continue later in life. Her story about being dedicated to the drama department will hopefully be inspirational to other incoming freshmen or reoccurring students at Redwood about her impact on the drama department and her experience on how it’s ok to take a risk to get out of your comfort zone and develop a deep appreciation for the performing arts.

MacElree says, “Something that Mrs. Galvan has taught me that I will use later on in life is confidence and leadership. Freshman year you wouldn’t have caught me speaking louder than a whisper in front of people and now I lead classes and sports.”


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