Lifestyle Writer

I am a lifestyle writer and journalist for the Gigantea and I have been writing for them since 2022. I primally do interviews with people, but I also am a writer for anything going on with the school. I have come to learn that people have very interesting lives and that they are worth writing for. I am particularly proud of my work when I work alone but, I love to work with my classmates to write a story for not just this school but for the whole world to enjoy.

Semester 1 Stories

Hoco Rally 2022. Redwood hosts its homecoming rally on the track on 8.29.22.

Rangers Dress Up and Dress Out for Homecoming ’22

This story was my very first story and I wrote it with my classmates. It was a stressful story because we had to find people at lunch to interview and it was scary but we got it done and I'm proud of it.


Keeping up with the Fashion Trends at Redwood

This story was my very first story on my own and I am honestly scared for it being my first story it was hard. It was hard trying to find upperclassmen but, I got it done and it wasn't as hard has I thought it would have been. And I'm glad I got it done.


Marlin Palacios: Redwood’s New Library Aide 

This was my last story of the semester and I'm proud of this one because it was my first teacher story.


Where have I been?

Before I took journalism class back in middle school my friend had told me how boring this class would have been. She said," When I saw the class description, it said there was going to be a lot of writing." When she said that I thought wow this class was going to be very boring. I had thought that all summer and once I get to the first period, on the first day of high school I was shocked at how this class was fun.

Where am I now?

Where I am now is very different from where I was at the beginning of the year at the beginning of the year high school was so different and new. But now that I have got to know this class, I had the time to grow, it's not that bad. Now from what I have learned over the months is that you can be better you just have to try your hardest.

Where am I going?

Where I'm going next semester is just to be a better student. By being a better student I know I can excel in academics and everything after school. Another goal I have for next year is to get to school on time. The number of times I have walked in on 5-minute ted talk is just bad. It's weird having people staring at you walking to your desk, so next year I'm getting to school on time. Finally, I'm going to be a better writer next year. I'm not going to be sitting on my butt anymore and finally get more stories done.