Chance Jasso- Sports Writer

I am a sports writer for the Gigantea and I have been helping create stories for RHS since 2022.  I primarily write pre-game stories and enjoy writing them. I have learned that Rangers take lots of pride in there sports and are always ready to win.  I am particularly proud of my story on football player, Moses Saulsbury. He was a very interesting person to talk too and I liked how passionate he is about football.

Semester 1 Stories


New Season New Captains, Boys and Girls Cross Country:

This story is about the beginning of the cross-country season for boys and girls and introduces the new captains on both teams. As my first story, it gave me the feel of how sports writing is gonna be. Going on I have realized how my stories have improved from this story. Considering I interviewed four kids I feel the story could have definitely been longer, but I'm proud of this story for being my very first one.

This story matters because it gives recognition to the cross-country team and its new captains.  By highlighting the cross-country captains we are making their voices heard.

A New Season Begins for Redwood Baseball:

This is a pre-season baseball story I created for this year's baseball season. I interviewed Joseph Rico and Gavin Caetano about practice starting back up. The story shows how they feel about practice starting again and the upcoming season. My strength of the story was the strong quotes and the layout of the text.

This story matters because it shows the excitement the boys have for the upcoming season. It shows how passionate the boys are about Redwood sports.


Moses Saulsbury Takes On First Cowhide Being Pulled Up On Varsity

This story is about Moses Saulsbury experiencing his first cowhide being pulled up on varsity. I asked Moses how he was preparing for cowhide and how he was feeling. This story shows how meaningful and important cowhide is to Redwood students. One thing I struggled with was inputing quotes because they were short.

This story matters because he is an important player on the team who deserves to be heard.


Where have I been?

I though the class would be a lot more stressful. I thought we would have to write a ton of stories and would be constantly working. I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I do.

Where am I now?

I have learned how to write a story like a spotlight or a story about a upcoming game. I can now interview people. I have learned how to finish a story and get it published.

Where am I going?

One of my goals is to have longer stories next semester. I also want to write more stories than I did this semester. As a section I think we can all write more stories next semester.