Redwood Artists
Xander Caballero: A Redwood Musician
Redwood is home to many music programs and from these programs have come amazing musicians. The music programs at Redwood High School have changed lives and opened new doors for so many students, past and present. From the band to the orchestra to even the choir classes, there is no shortage of truly talented musicians here at Redwood.
What is Redwood Stagecraft?
At Redwood, there are a variety of different Art electives. One of the Drama electives is known as Stagecraft, taught by Mrs. Galvan.
Artist Spotlight: Emma Souza
Art is a way people can express themselves and make awesome creations. Emma Souza ’23 is an amazing artist who expresses herself freely through her artwork.
Artist Spotlight: Miles Largoza
Photography is an artform that has been used to capture meaningful moments that people might not take the time to stop and appreciate. It’s always the little moments that matter in this art form.