Alex Neal
Is Today’s Body Positivity Positive?
The body positivity movement originated in the 1960s from the fat acceptance movement. Since then it has changed in many ways. Featured Image by verywellmind By: Alex Neal Body positivity […]
Rangers Say: Cowhide Predictions
Before the day of Cowhide, people predicted who they think was going to win. Will Redwood win the hide back, or will Mt. Whitney keep it for another year? By: […]
Former Redwood Multi-Sport Athlete: Mr. Clements
When Mr. Clements, ‘92, attended Redwood High School, he played Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Wrestling. By: Alex Neal As kids, we develop hobbies and begin new activities. Those hobbies and […]
HoCo Behind The Scenes: The Bridge Story of Journalism Kids
As everyone was setting up and getting everything prepared for the Homecoming Parade, Beth Musto ‘26, Cody Abney ‘25, Lucas de Lima, ‘25, and Ryan Harris, ‘25 had a little […]