Earlier in March, Redwood’s Campus Life Club went out and hit the slopes of China Peak for a skiing trip. The club went to learn about their faith in God and Jesus Christ while also having a fun time in the snow.

By: Beth Musto

Earlier this month, students who were a part of the Campus Life Club got to attend a ski trip, where they got to learn more about God, learn some tips about what to do in the snowy weather, and also got some lifetime memories with friends.

The advisor of the Campus Life club Mr. Peter Vermillion said that this was the second year that Campus Life at Redwood got the opportunity to go. Mr. Vermillion says, “While this is only the second year that Redwood High School has participated, Campus Life has been organizing this ski trip for over 20 years, inviting students from schools across Tulare and Kings County.”

This was Charlotte Brown’s, ‘27, first time going. Brown says, “Well, it was my first time in the snow, so it was just a lot of fun. When we were able to go outside, out of the cabin and just kind of like hang out and playing in the snow, that was a lot of fun too.”

Charlotte Brown, ’27
Photo B.Musto/Gigantea

Wesley Scholl, ’28, says, “This was my first ever year going and I don’t think it will be my last. I really enjoyed the trip and the people that came along.”

“It was really fun. I really liked snowboarding,” says Jack Arreola, ‘27.

While studying and sharing the Gospel, they also got to see the beautiful views of China Peak. Mr. Vermillion says, “A highlight of our trip was the overnight snowfall, creating fresh powder. [The] staff at China Peak called it the best day of the year.”

Campus Life took anyone who wanted to go to the slopes. While there, they all got to have Bible Studies and have fun in the snow. Everyone there was there for the same reason: “To be followers of Jesus,” says Brown.

“I learned more about Christ. There have been times were I thought, ‘oh well this can’t be real,’ but Bruce went over the odds of what happened to Jesus and what he did. It was supposed to be literally impossible for it to be prophesied that Jesus would do all those things. It renewed my faith,” says Scholl.

Mr. Vermillion says, “We embark on this trip to experience God’s beautiful creation and enjoy time in nature through play and fellowship.”

The China Peak Slopes
Photo courtesy of Scholl

That wasn’t the only thing students got to learn about while being on the slopes. They also got hands-on experience with how to put chains on a tire for the snowy weather.

“[The] students gained hands-on experience learning how to put snow chains on tires and received professional ski or snowboard instruction during their lesson at China Peak,” says Mr. Vermillion.

With this much fun, the students who went made memories that would stick with them through life.

“My favorite moments were listening to music and playing pool, running around in the snow at like 10PM, and Bruce gave us very inspirational and spiritual talks about our walk with the Lord,” says Scholl.

Arreola says, “It was cool to interact with just the group that was there and learn from Bruce. He was a cool guy, he taught us a lot about God and it was just full of fun to have a good time with him.”

Scholl says, “The trip was something I genuinely will not forget. The bonding experience with that group of people was amazing, the snow was amazing, and getting to hear the Lord’s message while we were in the snow mountains was amazing.”

Beth Musto
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Beth Musto '26, is a third-year Journalist for the Redwood Gigantea and is a writer for Clubs & Lifestyles, and is the assistant editor-in-chief. She is a part of CSF and is the secretary for the Paperback Rangers Book Club. Her email is, beth.mu3554@vusd.us


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