Brooklyn Anderson and Ava Amundson, the candidates for Junior Class President and Vice President, reflect on their ASB journey and ambitions for the 2024-23 school year.
By Megan Yang
Brooklyn Anderson ‘26, a candidate for Junior Class President, says, “This is my first year in ASB, but when I did get in, it was like a big warm family that helped me learn leadership and how to be a Redwood Ranger.”

“My freshmen year, I was very introverted and didn’t know what I was interested in. However, I really opened up and learned there are a bunch of things, and I try to be more open,” says Anderson.
Anderson is a part of the Redwood Musical Program and is interested in the arts. “I feel like that is [an] underrepresented group here at Redwood […] so I want to help bring those student’s voices heard and help them feel represented,” says Anderson.
Regarding a favorite memory in ASB, Anderson says, “During the Cowhide rally set up, we were doing the balloon arch and sucking the helium. There’s a funny video of me doing that and I just feel like ASB makes each other laugh all the time because we’re such a big family.”

Ava Amundson ‘26, a candidate for Junior Vice President, says, “I want to run for Junior Vice President because I wanted to hold a position and be more involved in ASB and in my grade level.”
Aumndson grew up with her dad being the ASB director at Tulare Western and has been in ASB since 4th grade.
Amundson says, “I have matured a lot since my freshman year and it has helped me grow as a leader. I have really gone out of my comfort zone and opened up in the class.”
One highlight of ASB Amundson has had is “[getting] to know so many more people and [reconnecting] with past friendships.”
Amundson says, “I am very open-minded. I think this can help give the junior class a voice and I will be able to include everyone’s thoughts throughout next year.”