Mr. Rojas, a Biology teacher here at Redwood, was chosen to visit Buffalo, New York, to learn more about his career.
By: Annalissa Lira
On September 26th, Mr. Rojas will travel to Buffalo, New York, through the Tulare County Office of Education (TCOE) to participate in a leadership meeting for residencies.
When asked about what the process for being picked looked like, Rojas said, “I went through Tulare Residencies for Rural Education (TRRE) to get my credential and I did my masters. They are in partnership with TCOE and they selected people that went through the program to go to Buffalo, New York and it is a leadership meeting for residencies”

Photo A.Lira/Gigantea
Rojas said, “They wanted input on how residencies can help teachers, the pros and the cons. They sort of want that first-hand experience to draw from.”
When asked about what a residency is for those who don’t know, Rojas said, “So a traditional credential approach is you are in a classroom with a teacher for a few days while doing your course work out of school. You don’t typically know where you’ll be placed in terms of school site so a residency allows you to create a community of people that are going to help them they’re going to meet every week.”
Rojas said, “I actually got picked [for the program], I’m not entirely sure what that criteria was. I was told that it was through TRRE, the residency program I went through, and they chose from teachers who were still teaching.”
“This conference is gonna have teachers from all over the country and I get to see teachers that have experienced their whole careers in New York and other states that do things differently than we do,” said Rojas.
Rojas said, “I think different perspectives create a better perspective, so I think that all that experience is going to be the best experience that I can get.”
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