With the annual Redwood Dance show now in motion there’s lots of spotlight and attention put on the performers of the show. The spotlight is very much well deserved, and it’s important to highlight the people who prepare the performers to make the dances possible. The Teacher Aides [TA] are a big part of why the Dance Program is able to put on such a grandiose show every year. 

By Aiden Lupian

You walk into your class and are greeted by your teacher plus students—some younger, some older, some the same age.

You put your dance clothes on and you get to work helping the students prepare for the big dance show coming up. Filled with excitement, your mind drifts into: the zone. As you instill the passion and hard work you’ve integrated throughout the year, you also embrace the aspects of friendship and camaraderie of dance.

The one thought that lingers during the school year is: put on the best Dance Show possible. Not only for yourself, but for the students you’re helping to improve and learn. For the audience, it’s going to seem flawless. But to you? You’re going to witness the greatness you saw the first day you began teaching.

That’s what an average day looks like for these Dance Class Teacher Aides. Now, a bittersweet sensation fills the air given the annual Redwood Dance Show is afoot.

Marileigh Coon, ‘25, and Sadie Hemphill, ‘25, have both been involved in the Redwood Dance Program for three years and are not only helping out the younger students since they both TA for Intermediate Dance but also taking on the challenges of being in performers for Dance Force as well. 

Marilrigh Coon ’25
photo n.miller/Gigantea

Being a TA is fun, but it does require hard work as there’s lots of dancers to look out for, but Coon and Hemphill both enjoy it. 

Coon says, “We like to have a lot of fun in our class, they’ve done really great at picking up choreography”  Hemphill says, “Fifth period is really great, they’re all really hard workers and we have a lot of fun in there. 

Sophia Rexhepi, ’24, is a TA for International Dance and is handling the challenges that come along with being a Dance TA very well despite only being a one year member.

Rexhepi is also a dancer for the Redwood Intro class. “Honestly I wish I started doing dance at Redwood earlier. Ms. Bardonnex just makes dancing so much fun and she really took a shot on me.”

Rexhepi also feels very grateful to get the chance to be a TA for International Dance even though shes a first year member. She says, “She [Ms.Bardonnex] allowed me to be a TA international, when I’d only been in Intro for two weeks, so I felt really appreciative of her for that.”

Rexhepi has always had a passion for dance, she was involved in other dance programs when she was younger, but didn’t continue it in high school. But after returning to the floor Rexhepi still has nothing but love for the art.

“Doing dance this year evoked my passion for dance that I used to have when I was younger.”

The TA for Dance Force sixth period is Karli Rasmussen, ’25, and also has lots of positive things to say about her class. She says, “They are so talented, they work so hard every single class. They put their all into it every single time and their vibe is so fun.” 

Rasmussen has also been involved in the Redwood Dance Program for 3 years now, she’s been in Intermediate Dance and two years of Advanced Dance. She is also an upcoming Dance Force member so Rasmussen has definitely been working hard for herself and the Program as a whole. 

Dance Force
photo A.Ceballos/Gigantea

Not only are the TA’s helpful, but also are very good at keeping a humble attitude. Though they are taking on more of a leadership role in the classroom, they don’t approach the position with a demeaning attitude. They approach it with a fun and casual view, just a friend helping a friend out.

Coon says, “I don’t see as much of a mentor, as I see it as more of a friendship. It’s a great building bonds with them and seeing them grow.” and Hemphill adds to this saying, “It’s really cool, I hope they can learn some things from us, but we don’t try to act like we’re better than them, we just want to be friends with them.”

These Dance TA’s do get to watch and help their classes dancers and for them it’s a really fun experience getting to not only teach but just be around people with the same drive and passion as them. And it really brings them closer together. 

Hemphill says, “It’s really cool, especially since you get to watch their growth from the beginning of the year all the way up to the dance show, so I’m really excited to see them at the show.”

Rasmussen has some similar thoughts, saying, “It feels empowering to surround yourself with people who have the same goal as you. And I think it makes me want to try harder, when they’re wanting to try harder too.”

The environment that dance students foster is admirable. All the TA encourage those who find themselves interested in the Redwood Dance Program to take their shot and try out for one of the classes.

“Try out for International if you can, it’s super fun.” says Rexhepi.

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Aiden Lupian
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Aiden Lupian (´25) is a second year writer for the Gigantea who loves to tell a good arts story and really looks forward to all the stories he can write, and people to connect with


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