Anonymous students give their reasonings, strategies, and their feelings when they win or lose a sports bet.
Featured Image via the Purple Quill
By: Fabian Anguiano
Now, I am sure all of us sports fans see the sports betting commercials, about betting responsibly and then proceeding to encourage you to set a parlay, but how do you attack a parlay in the first place? You must do your research right, and how about the feeling of losing? That must be sour right? In this story, anonymous Rangers share their reasonings and strategies on sports betting.

An anonymous Ranger pleaded their reasoning for sports betting.
“I’m trying to buy a car, I want to save up for a car.”
When asked about their strategies, they said, “I try to look at the stats and how consistent the [players] are.”
I then asked the person how they feel when they win or lose: “I feel happy, but I still lose a lot of money because I do a lot of parlays. I feel very mad [when I lose].”
Another anonymous Redwood student pleaded their claim, “It’s fun. It gives me excitement to watch sports. It raises [my] adrenaline.”
The Redwood student proceeded to share their strategies and how they feel when they win or lose.”
“You look at stats, you look at previous games, and you look at performances against certain matchups. [When I win] I feel great. [When I lose] I just shake it off.”
An anonymous better shares their reasons.

“I like making money, so sports betting [is an option]. I love watching sports, so you get more chances to earn money. I get more chances to learn about sports and more chances to earn money.”
The bettor shared their strategies.
“Probably the most [important thing] is their stats and [to] go over the games they played, the teams they played, and how they play so you have more of a high percentage chance to hit your parlay.”
Now in sports betting only one of two things can happen, you either win, or you lose, there is no in-between. A debatable question that can be brought up is sports betting justified in the first place? That is for you to decide.
The Ranger proceeded to share how they feel when they win and how they feel when they lose.
“I feel pretty good, I make money, and it just feels great. Losing feels terrible when you sports bet. It’s like horrendously bad, you just feel terrible. But I mean then you just keep sports betting because you don’t like the feeling of losing.”
Tags: rangers, Redwood, redwood betting, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood journalism, redwood rangers, redwood sports, rhs, rhs betting, sports betting, visalia ca