Posts by nmiller
Photogallery: Freshman Orientation 2023
On August 4th, 2023, Redwood High School conducted its Link Crew Freshman Orientation. The event, led by Link Crew Advisor Aletha Jimenez, offered tours, icebreakers, schedule distribution, and culture-building activities. Link Crew, ASB, and Cheer Team members contributed to its success, helping freshmen familiarize themselves with the school environment and community culture.
Redwood High School Seniors Share a Memorable Morning at Traditional Pre-Graduation Breakfast
Highlighting a cherished tradition at Redwood High School, the Class of 2023 gathered for their Senior Breakfast on the morning of their graduation day. Funded and organized by dedicated staff, the event served as a platform for the seniors to share plans, reminisce, and simply relish their final moments as high school students before stepping towards their future.
“Touch Him for Luck on the Way Out”-The Fascinating History and Tradition of Redwood’s “Ranger Mascot Head”
As Redwood High School’s graduating class steps into Mineral King Bowl for their commencement ceremony, they are not alone. Among the excited family members, proud teachers, and their fellow graduates, […]