By: Yoselin Reynoso
Jonathan Jimenez ’23 is a Redwood student who is ready to show his musical talent. He loves music and wants to do more than just appreciate it by listening.
With everyone that listens to music Jimenez’s main audience are teenagers, but of course everyone has different tastes.

Jimenez says, “My targeted audience would definitely be my fellow classmates. I mean that is definitely who I am going for, maybe people in their twenties as well, but people who are older definitely aren’t as keen to listen.”
To do something you have to get into it. Jimenez says, “In the eighth grade is when I definitely went into a musical renaissance where I really enjoyed music and my interest grew. It was just a way I could appreciate the music and make it as well.”
He went from a dream to actually growing up and making those dreams come true. When he was in middle school this was all he ever talked about.
“I wanted to develop the music but it was very challenging. I got very discouraged and I didn’t really know anyone who could teach me or show me anything. So anything I had to learn I would find through videos and searching things up.”, says Jimenez.
No matter how hard it got for Jimenez he always pulled through and now he is working his way to become stronger and doing what he loves. Now Jimenez does have one song out.
Jimenez says, ” I did release my first song called Ambition and i’m not a big fan but some people do really like it so that’s pretty cool.”
Click here to get to his YouTube channel
Tags: arts, arts and entertainment, music, redwood fine arts, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood journalism, redwood music, redwood rangers, rhs, upcoming music, visalia ca