A follow-up on the previous story written about Red Cross Club.

By: Adam Lopez

On Janurary 25th, 2025, we published the first Red Cross Club story, going over what the club is and what they do. Here we will include items that we missed originally, and some things that have happened in the club since then.

The Red Cross Club is almost all student led, getting hardly any instruction from a club advisor.

Red Cross Club Advisor
Mr. Higareda
Photo A. Lopez/Gigantea

Mr. Adam Higareda, Red Cross Club’s advisor, had this to say when expressing if he was surprised about how well the students ran the club on their own, “ knowing who these students are that are running it? No. Um, but if there were other students, I might be a little bit surprised.”

The members themselves have their own feelings about them running the club.

Sehrish Hirani, ‘27, Red Cross Club’s president, says, “Honestly, I think running a club is probably the closest thing to leading your own type of organization. I guess like in high school, it’s a great way of starting your leadership abilities.”

Leilani June Hernandez, ‘26, a Red Cross Club member, says, “It’s really fun because I feel like normally teachers are kind of in charge of everything. So when it’s student-led, it’s more personal.”

Red Cross Club President
Sehrish Hirani, ’27
Photo A. Lopez/Gigantea

They also mention how, since it’s student-led, it’s easy to make friends while in the club.

Hirani says, ”It’s really fun because you make a lot of connections. You get to be with your friends, you host events. It’s really fun and cool to do something like that in high school.”

The Red Cross Club was recognized by the actual Red Cross Organization, with the members being invited to a banquet hosted by the organization.

The members and Mr. Higareda shared their thoughts on getting recognized.

Red Cross Club member
Leilani J. Hernandez, ’26
Photo A. Lopez/Gigantea

Mr. Higareda says, “I think it just shows that the hard work that the students have put on for making this club possible is paying off. And, I think it also goes to show that the level at which our Red Cross Club leadership is operating at is much higher than elsewhere in the area.”

Hernandez says, “It’s very fun. I know they’re setting up a banquet. It’s nice to be recognized for how much we’re doing for the community. But I think even without the recognition, It’s good to feel good regardless.”

Mr. Higareda expresses his pride in the students when he says,  ”I’m really proud of the kids. I’m really proud of everything they’ve done. I feel like, again, the level at which they’re operating is far superior than their peers. So yeah, just proud of them.”

Hernandez shares a bit on the officer team. “I know the officer team really well, they’re like little busy-bodies and like I just appreciate them so much, like they’ve been very friendly to me, so it’s a very welcoming environment again, and I honestly think everyone apart of it is going to go super far too,” says Hernandez.

Adam Lopez
adam.lo8058@vusd.us |  + posts

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