On Friday, September 20th, 2024, Redwood’s Associated Student Body (ASB) announced the winners for Freshman Class President and Vice President.

By: Haley Padilla

Of eight candidates, freshmen had to elect two who would embody their voices in ASB. The following freshmen will represent their class for the 2024-2025 school year.

Freshman President

Roberto Correa

Roberto Correa, ’28
Photo courtesy of Correa

Freshman President Roberto Correa says he “[feels] very honored and excited that [he] won president.”

“I can’t wait for the new ideas that are going to be presented during the school year. I’m just excited to represent my class,” says Correa.

Freshman Vice President

Janize Gonzalez

Janize Gonzalez, ’28
Photo H.Padilla/Gigantea

Freshman Vice President Janize Gonzalez says she “[feels] like [she’s] accomplished something new and [is] really happy and proud of [herself] for stepping out of [her] comfort zone.”

“I’m truly excited to see what I can do for the freshmen class,” says Gonzalez.

Haley Padilla
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